Monday, January 28, 2008

Mitt today

My Best List from the Mitt Campaign
Best T-shirt: "Romney/Mendenhall '08" if you don't know don't ask; it's not funny to you...
Best joke: Youtube of Mitt's son prank calling his dad with Governor of California's old movie lines: "who's your Daddy and what does he do?" It's about half way down on the page
Best Article: To difficult to say... today's favorite is at Captains Quarters a political blog by a talk show host Edward Morissey. Why he's going for Mitt
Best TV Spot: The momentum one that is a few posts down from Nevada election that was cool, but the original "This is the story." spot will make you cry the first few times you see it. That's enough for now.

On a more important front, my condolences to all who, like me, are saddened by the Great Leader President Hinkley's death, I feel your pain. I was saddened but also my testimony of the truth of the gospel grew. Two reasons one is because of the succession of leadership is well established and we all love and admire President Monson. The second is from my boy Vance. Vance had great insight last night. We were all at a youth fireside. We were singing the song "Come come ye saints" when everyone started finding out (via text message) that President Hinkley had died. Just when Vance found out we started the 4th verse "And if we die, before our journey's through, happy day, all is well". Amen brother, Amen.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday - "Oh Where to Begin"

There is so much good Mitt stuff today. I am in heaven. There isn't much negative (much) today. A couple you should look at are this one from the editor of National Review Online. Good line about the "Mormon memo". I enjoyed the Fred Thompson dropping out news since now it helps others, hopefully helping Mitt. Many people are saying that it will help Mitt. Then of course I enjoy seeing anything bad about poor Mike Huck(ster)abee. I guess he, McCain and Rudy are out of cash. Here's an article about Huck specifically. Also there is a great story about Why all the other GOP candidates don't like Mitt. Good read, it will make you realize why I do like him so much.

I guess that's enough. I was able to enjoy these as I ate my lunch so I hope you can find the time too. Also don't forget tomorrow night is the last debate before Florida and Super Tuesday (I think) on MSNBC. I'm not sure what time... It's going to be about the Economy so guess what... Mitt will rule it.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday - A way of life at this point

I've been thinking today that there was going to be some good "Mitt" news. Last night I read a little and found some good news on EFM and a good "good is evil and evil is good" comparison. Those posts were great! but nothing beats this pole. Usually you don't see this for Mitt this early. Also you can say what you want about the poles, however the Rasmussen poles have been dead on for the GOP. They like everyone else missed on the Democrat NH primary but they've been right every other time. I was wrong about the SC Romney result but I was more guessing with my heart then my head. I also was wrong about Nevada. Romney got 50%+ of the votes. It was wild, not even close. It's just too bad that Nevada is ignored but it's all good for Mitt.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Yeah Baby!

Well, you gotta see it, Mitt's team put together a cool commercial called "Momentum Friday!" It got me pumped up. It's awesome. Turn it up... or use headphones because it rocks. Click Here to see it and many other MITT TV things. Later Mitt Heads!

By the Way... if you want to see Mitt in a "different" setting watch Leno tonight! He's on... Friday night. I guess that's a quick jaunt from LV where he's been campaigning.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

About Time

If you want to know who and why I'm supporting Mitt there are many reasons. Yes is Mormonism made me look at first. But I've also looked at others. I actually like Fred. If there was no Mitt I would go for him, except the whole not a viable candidate thing. A good synopsis is in Ann Coulter's article today. If you don't know who she is then Read about her. A quick synopsis is that she's a very brave leader of the conservative movement. She is tough on liberals, almost mean sometimes, and is very well respected and very well liked by conservatives. She has written several books about her beliefs and political persuasions. It is a good "Mitt" article.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mitt's Michigan

Well Mitt won. Very good. I was happy to see that but even though he won, many folks are mocking him today. Saying that he pandered and "changed" his views to win. Crazy. He's a politician so he did pander, that's what they do. Every one of them. Good job Mitt, way to sell yourself. It must have been right, because you won and people believed you. duh! I can't get over the stupid main stream media that wants Mitt out of there so bad, they are trying to get rid of Fred Thompson too. "Do you have to win (state name here) to remain viable?" What candidate would say "yes, I must win or I'm quiting". None, what a stupid question. You have to look at these news reporters and see what their motivation is: Viewers and that's it. That's their paycheck. So they will say ANYTHING they need to in order to get more viewers (or listeners you radio people). enough ranting I guess.

Today on the Rush Limbaugh show 3 ladies called and raved about how much they "loved" Romney. Rush was equating it to a point to 1992 and Billy boy. I guess women would call Rush back then and say how much they liked Bill and thought he was so handsome (gross). Anyway he said that he had heard so many women liked Mitt this time is a bit different because they don't "love" him to want to sleep with him, but because they admire him and he's handsome, good family man and has the love of a good woman; his wife. Where the bill chicks liked him back then because they thought he was good looking and thought that there was actually a chance to "hook up". I guess we should have seen the whole Monica thing coming.

ON to Nevada and ON to South Carolina. Predictions? Another gold and another silver!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Views from Larry King

While Larry King was really soft on him, I liked his answers. I liked the answer on the "Mormon" thing. He basically said that if you don't vote for him "ONLY" because he is a Mormon then you are a bigot. Also his criticism of John McNasty saying that Jobs are gone and won't come back was dead on to what I think. McStain is saying that jobs are gone and basically Auto workers should just "get over it" and "move on". I was plenty glad that he was on because a lot of independent voters watch that and not the fox news shows that he's usually on. Independents (the growing number of voters) are gonna decide this election today in Michigan and the general (if he get's that far) in November. No one has the majority anymore. In Iowa and New Hampshire the day or two before the voting Romney never was leading, so that left me hoping polls were wrong. Finally it looks like he leads the polls generally although very small. Remember with all the "polls aren't right" uproar they were right in republican in both Iowa and NH. Check out this poll on It is close but at least we have a "good" feeling going into today. Something we never had before.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Tonight Mitt on Larry King

Mitt's on Larry King tonight! Don't forget to check him out. Should be 7PM on CNN

Larry's very vanilla and won't be to tough on Mitt. also Larry's married to an LDS lady so he's probably going to be nice. Should be good.

My Time for Mitt

Just wondering what's up with you. Actaully I'm back to being on the positve side of blogging. I'm not sure anyone cares but...

I've been getting a lot of enjoyment supporting Mitt Romney for President. He's fantastic. I can't get over how smart and up to date he is on everything. I've had to study just to find out what the heck they are all taking about. I am wanting to discuss this race and other things in the State goverment, national government or even local. I'll blog more politcally now, because that's what I'm into now. Also I'd like to talk more about what the kids are doing. So there's your preview of my future posts.

Check out some of Mitt's blogosphere it's amazing.
1. 5 brothers blog - Mitt's five son's blog (cool)
2. Evangelicals For Mitt - Very good Blog. Good for Mormons to get a differen perspective on what other's think of a great man. Also very religous people. And Nancy is one of the people that blogs there is super funny and just a normal Mom that is smart like most are but she blogs about it.
3. My Man Mitt - Good information. I think these guys are crazy. It's about 20 people that blog here about Mitt. They never miss a story. New posts about 5-10 times a day.
4. UltiMitt - New just a good list of Media releases or stories that are written about Mitt. Also a general list of "YouTubes" about Mitt.