The boys started coming in one by one. Some were in groups but most saw me and walked slowly toward where I was standing. They didn’t really know what to expect I guess, even though Coach Thompson had spent over an hour explaining the whole process to them. Once the locker room was empty we spent the first five minutes giving practice jersey’s out. Coach Reyes taped their last names on the front of their shirts so coaches and teammates could quickly learn names. This process could have been done earlier when they met with Coach Thompson but I liked being part of that. I had learned over time that if I wrote or read a kid’s name only about three times I could have it memorized. So by the end of this five minutes I’d have everyone memorized. Very helpful. But very frustrating to the other coaches. I liked it and I liked that it made them frustrated. Most of the players kind of freaked out about it. Later in the first practice I would bark at one them and use their name and they were so shocked that I knew it. I was happy because I figured they’d listen to me if I knew their name and said it every chance I got.
ohhh very nice. More to come. I'm in the second chapter now... it gets good :)
Expert... or excerpt? Aaaahahahha! I wanna read this book still!
sorry, I'm a spell check user (big time)
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