Thursday, September 18, 2008

JBiden - Rants on a dummy

Yikes. So do you know who Joe Biden reminds me of? Dick Martin. It's funny, they don't really look alike but if you ever hear JBid talk its just the same. "uhhh duh, that's funny". If you are too young, than sorry. They do have the same bald head with a comb over.
Couple of things that kill me about this guy
1) He says that if you make $250K that you will get NEW higher (40%+) taxes and if you complain than you aren't being patriotic. He then said that if others would give to charities this wouldn't be needed. HOWEVER He made $2.5 MILLION in the last 3 years but gave only about $4,000! Can you belive it? Thats < 1%.
2) Saying how much he admires Hillary Clinton and how she probably would have been a better choice than HIM for the VP. Duh Joe, you are crazy, she would have been better.

There are about 300 more but those two just made me crazy. He's not too smart. He's like the dumbest guy ever. I have no idea how he's gotten to where he is.


I Am Boymom said...
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Geri said...

Thanks for stopping by our blog. I have such distaste for Joe Biden. He is the one of the most hypocritical politicians this country has ever elected. Obama could not have picked a WORSE running mate. The problem is the left is so enamored with Obama that they are willing to take him regardless of who he chooses to work with.

Anonymous said...

Good one. The Dick Martin thing cracks me up. I completely agree, not the smartest man in the world. I have a feeling Palin is going to rock his world at the debate...if he remembers to go.

I'm just glad McCain picked a true conservative since he isn't one.

Stacy said...

I agreeith Angie