There isn't much going on in my life that I don't expect. I'm happy about that. I think I've always wanted a big family, even expected to have one. I thought a lot about things like family and church and sports and schools. You have these moments in your life I think where you reflect on your life to that point and look forward to what's left. I feel like I'm at summer of halftime... :) It's funny to think that in 2010 we will welcome and new baby and perhaps send our first baby off into the world. We are a revolving door now. I wonder what a 16 year old version of me would say if he ran into the 39 year old version today? would he say "Who are you?" or would he say "Sweet!"... I'm not sure. I remember on my mission once we were sitting around the mission office and there were about 6 of us late at night working and we got to talking about where we'd be at 40. One guy said he'd be a pilot and another said he'd be a bishop (HA HA) and another said he'd have 8 kids and would work for his Dad! Another said he'd be a doctor and he is! I don't know if the one ever became a Bishop, other other had their 8th kid (might have)... But I said that I'd live in Mesa and work at a job in business and have a big family! Funny kinda was right... I guess
I don't like to be surprised much... Not meaning "BOO" but more like a unexpected bill that I can't pay or a new "Problem" that I can't solve. The predictable life is great... as long as it's on your own term.... Here are a few things that I didn't predict.
1) Football Coaching... Don't know how I fumbled into this
2) 8 kids - ummm I think we passed "Big family" a while ago
3) Greatest wife ever... Either the Lord blessed me or cursed her...
4) Kids that want to do whats right... I guess I could have predicted it see #3
5) Living in the QC... I made fun of people that moved this far away before ...
There are many more I'm sure... so is your life as you expected, better I bet! Mine is much better than I expected but about what I predicted. The difference is "It's better then I thought, even though I knew it"
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