Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hoops, Football and etc.

Well our basketball season started up again after the two week break for the Holidays. Drew broke his arm so he's out for a while. Skylar played a lot on Saturday and did some good things. He's getting it. His feet are just one second behind his brain. It will all click one day and he'll be fine. He didn't score but his team won by 16. Katy's team won too. My goal for her is just to score one basket... I can't believe that she hasn't yet! oh well.

Football is over for now. But we are doing the ACS Relay for Life again this year. We do this with our Football family. Its a fun time to go raise some money for ACS and enjoy each other. We are doing a football camp this year as our fundraiser. I enjoy doing the camps. It's like having football practice for 3 nights in a row. I'm happy to be able to help the kids do better too.

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