Friday, October 21, 2011

High Schoool Football Coach = CEO of Football

So generally speaking I don't have good ideas. But I think I do here. So if you are stunned, so am I. 99% of you (which means all) won't care about this idea so there. It is just something that I wanted to blog so when the whole world comes to grip with what a great idea this is i can say "I thought of that, years ago" and have a blog post to prove it.

Subject: Successful High School Football program in today's environment

Introduction: Today with HS football being the #1 perception of high school it is important to be successful in football more than anything at the school; including academics, music etc. (wait I know some of you just said "no way!"). It is important to run it like a business and not in the traditional "extra-circular" activity. The head coach should be a CEO of football and everyone involved in the football program should work for him (or her, but I'm assuming "him" for simplistic sake). He should have say in all things related to his program, including scheduling, hiring, and even teachers at the school. Points that I will bring into play will show how this is necessary.

Section 1: Mind shift CEO not a Coach

At most high schools you have more kids involved in football than any other singular activity by 200%. At a normal medium HS you have say 1200 students. 250 of them will be involved in football as players, managers, cheerleaders, student trainers etc. that's a large percentage of your student body. It's also the only sport that has such a community binding influence. You will have 1000+ people attend each Friday night, you have people in the community that come to the football games that have nothing to do with the school, you have kids that aren't even interested in sports that show up and pay to come to the football games. This is truly a large event and should be. They come to watch the boys play football, cheerleaders cheer and the band play. But make no mistake, if there wasn't a football team there are no cheerleaders and the band becomes the Orchestra, something no one knows about outside of the parents of the kids involved.

The point is the person over the HS football team, traditionally the head coach, is the singularly most important person at the school. I know that some folks think I'm nuts for saying this but I’ll get to that. Assume for now I'm right. The head coach needs help to be successful. He needs good coaches for on the field, he needs a good training staff to keep people healthy. He needs a good weight room coach to keep his players strong and he needs good admin type folks to help him with scheduling, travel, equipment, safety, etc. Typically with 3 or 4 teams a football program needs 15 or more on-field coaches. This means that they need these folks to be at every practice and each game that they are assigned. There are training staff usually one full-time trainer and 5 to 10 student trainers. The support staff includes an athletic secretary and an administrator. Also there are equipment managers, and student managers. all included this is a lot of folks that the Head Coach must keep tabs on, direct and assure everything is being done correctly. This is equivalent to a medium size business. Not only that but on game night, pep assemblies and special occasions the Head Coach must be aware of and involved (don't even get me started on the boosters either - much work there too). This is why the Head Coach must a) be a CEO and b) given power like one. A CEO in the business world means "Cheif Executive Officer" and he only answers to the Board of Directors. I am indeed stating this should be the case in HS Football. The CEO should answer to someone like a board of folks like the Principle, superintendent and others. Not to one athletic director that has 20 other sports to worry about.

CEO role should include:
1) Hiring his assistants first and foremost. He must act as a CEO and should be comfortable with the assistants on the field. This also includes trainer, strength and conditioning coach, equipment person and football secretary. This includes getting some of his assistant’s jobs at the school. School should accommodate all of them even if it means not giving existing teachers contracts for the new staff. Remember the assumption is if football is good everything else gets better.
2) All activities on game night. Game nights support EVERY other club and athletic teams in the school. This is the only time the community and students all come together. Every other team does their fundraisers during football season. They sell things, work on things and advertise things at the home football games. Football supports everything, and thus should have the choices of what goes on during their game time.
3) Fields and use of fields. The CEO of football should have full rights to his fields during the season. If he wants youth football teams to practice there he should get them to. It should be his an only his decision. If he wants the freshmen team to practice on a specific field at a certain time then it should be so. These fields are his and should be his during the season.
4) Assemblies and community involvement should be his responsibility. Make no mistake about it this, is important. Kids that are at the district’s elementary or middle schools have no obligation to a specific HS they can go wherever they want. It's important for the football team, cheerleaders and band to be involved. All of this should be up to the CEO of football. He shouldn't have to hassle another district administrator for him to bring a few players to an elementary school or have his own principle not allow it. This can be negotiated so it's often but still in line with academic goals. This is how a community gets behind a football team and a HS.

Section 2: Why so important?
This section will tell you why we should do this. There is no other reason than this: a good football team makes everything better.
A. Money: Football drives money. Not just players but many kids won't come to a school that has a crappy football team that loses, doesn't include everyone, has many issues with players, parents or is generally an embarrassment. They will leave a school to go to one that has a better perception. In today’s world especially with the younger kids perception is reality. And these perceptions change every minute. So the more students that show up to the school the more $$$ the state gives the school, The more students (and thus state money) the more programs can be included, the more involvement from these kids there is and the larger staff you'll need. Every club uses the gathering of a football game as a fundraiser. This is where the basketball team sells things, this is where the softball team works at the snackbar to get money for their season and it's where the volleyball team and wrestling teams advertise events or fundraisers they are having. Every team has money needs if you have a huge crowd at a winning football team's home games it pads the pockets of everyone. It's also the only time a school makes money because of the number of paid attendees.
B. School Spirit. This may be an ancient idea to some. But there is a lot of value of a person having pride in what they are involved in. I'm not talking about yelling at a game or yelling at a pep assembly but there is something to be said about being proud of where you went to school. This is important for self-worth and commitment abilities later in life. Many kids these days have never stuck with anything before. This is the motivation they may need. A successful (winning) football team is where this will start. Also a proud student will be much more successful in the classroom rather than one that "hates" his school. Bad runs quickly downhill.
C. Community involvement is important. YOU must have involvement with the community to have kids start to get excited to come to the HS. They coming makes everything better, the football team gets better, the band gets better and the academics go up just because of sheer numbers. It also gives you a good perception with the folks that don't even have kids in the schools. They buy more fundraising things, get their cars washed by the kids and buy a t-shirt with your school logo. Service hours, parades, visits to elementary schools, and a general presence are all part of it.

Section 3: Execution
Of course the first step is a huge culture change. Today the head coach of football is the same status and power as the head coach of the badminton team in prestige and power at the school (or so the structure is setup to be- no offense to the badminton team I happen to like badminton but it’s not the spectator sport of football). The culture has to change to the large university idea: Football drives everything so hitch your wagon to them and enjoy.

The second step is finding the CEO. Yes they should probably have to have done something in football before. They should have a concept of the football game as either a coach or a player. However I don’t think that experience of being a successful head coach is needed. If they have the personality and the leadership of being a CEO and the “buck stops here” kind of presence they will be successful. Remember their role is to set it up for success. Be a salesman and rally support to himself and his coaches and players. Great coaches (on the field) should be his coordinators. This assures success on the field. Where does a good on the field coach want to be? He wants to be on the field, with the players or in the film room game planning. Does he really want to be at the elementary speaking to the kids? Does he really want to discuss fundraisers with the booster club? Does he really want to discuss game night activities with the principle or other teams’ coaches? Nope this is the CEO’s job.

The final step is to treat it like a company would. Do reviews of folks, evaluate where the program is. Cut brutally when needed and reward huge when needed. CEO’s get fired sometimes. This is a large investment for a potentially large return but sometimes the plug needs pulled when it’s not working out.

Final Summary:
High School football is big business these days. The football team is the face of the school. There is no other singular aspect of the school that can have such a positive (or negative) effect on the school. It drives money, student enrollment, school spirit and every other aspect of the school including academics. Running it like a big business is very important. Hiring a CEO instead of a Head Coach (you can still call him the head coach) and allowing him to run it exclusively is the one way to be successful. It is a culture change from the “everyone is equal” society that we have, however everyone benefits when the football team is run well and is successful. There are plenty of schools already doing this in part. They have a strong willed head coach that takes on more roles then perhaps others traditionally would have. But if you don’t have this culture now, this is the way to go.


Stacy said...

Bravo! They need to hire you:)

Ben said...

um not

Danielle Mendoza said...

This all makes so much sense being a football mom and administrator, you are so smart and that is why even though my son could have stayed down and played more on other teams we have chose you to coach him for the past 6 years because you played the part of more than a coach ... A CEO. Thank you for your dedication and commitment Ben, you are absolutely awesome. You have played a huge role in my families path to where we are!

marnee said...

At Eastern AZ College, the football team only existed because the band needed a venue to play. The band was good. The football team, not so much. And they sure had a lot of guys wandering around the sidelines . . . maybe that's what was missing, a good CEO.

Anonymous said...

Linda (VR Cheer Coach)
Finally someone who agrees with me. WE all do well when Football wins~ We win... Came from a Winning football program in NM and I wish that FB coach was here. State here we come is what I would be saying right about now.

Ben said...

Quick Disagreement with Marnee. Football Team wasn't only there for the band... fyi...(maybe you were kidding). Pretty sure the 2 national championships that the Gila Monsters is more victories then any competition the JC band every had. Just sayin' do they even compete at JC Band?