Thursday, November 19, 2009

Social Networking... cool, or an easier way to Gossip?

Ok, So don't gossip (but it is fun). I mean really who doesn't like to get the "dirt" good or bad on someone else. Lets see I found out my youngest sister is having Twins by a phone call from her...NOT! I found out on facebook. I found out my wife's youngest sister is getting married when she called and told her sister NOT! again Drew saw it on facebook and came down stairs and told us. I don't blame the actual participants (the two younger sisters) but other's spreading the good news on a social site in their excitement before the news could be spread first hand. Now those are positive stories where no one really got hurt. But I knew of another story where someone found out about a family function via facebook that was really cool but they found out afterwards and found out that they were not invited! Now they weren't invited on purpose and for a good reason and whatever but if a phone call or email would have been sent to explain it all it would have been cool. But no they found out via facebook and feelings got hurt. So see you have to be careful. I see "facebook fights" all the time. I think they're funny ( I know I'm a bit weird, duh). But I can see how it's hard to read "tone" or "intent" on a computer screen and misunderstandings can happen. Texting, emailing can be the same way. So I guess my point is 1) don't steal someone else's good / bad news. Just because they told you, doesn't mean you can facebook it. Let them facebook it first then copy it if you really need to. and 2) if you want to comment on someone's status be nice. Don't judge. Today I saw a frustrated Mom ask for sincere advise on a parenting question, so she asked her friends on facebook for help. But really all she got was a bunch of judgments from condescending other parents. It didn't seem to me she was getting much help. I really like facebook. I like to know what others are doing. its a short cut to find out about others and tell others about me. However it is really a shortcut to not having to actually socialize with others. So Use it only as that, you still need to call people or talk to people. I can see where soon we won't have to interact face to face with other humans at all... but is that right? Home teaching via conf. call, sacrament meeting via satellite? service projects over the internet? all these ideas on how to communicate better have actually backfired and made us have more misunderstandings and more hurt feelings. Now you're reading my blog and you have no idea if I'm joking, crying or serious, because you can't see me...

1 comment:

Stacy said...

This may be gossip, but who asked for parenting advice and got dissed? just kidding