Wednesday, December 02, 2009


I had a very tough day last Saturday. It was crazy. I was sick. I wanted to puke every minute. The boys and I went shooting with a friend of mine from work. It was really fun. I got to shoot my shot gun my dad gave me. it was cool. Its a little 410 so it doesn't do damage like we are used to and Drew thought it kicked too much. My friend Denny had a bunch of other guns that we enjoyed shooting including a 9mm and 357 hand guns. It was cool, but I wanted to lie down in the dirt and sleep. We also found a really old train station in a thicket that was cool. One of the little buildings was still standing. After that we went to Taco Bell, maybe not the best choice for me, then headed home to watch the UA/ASU and BYU/UU games. It was a fun afternoon. Problem was i really just sat there from 1:30 until 6:30 that night. Stacy wasn't 100% either and so she watched movies, washed, dried and folded laundry and slept (a little) all afternoon. I guess I didn't accomplish much but I did enjoy the outcomes from my day. UA & BYU are my two favorite teams and enjoyed their victories. I found this cartoon... Enjoy! By the way Happy Birthday to Skylar today!!! 11 is old man!

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