Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday - "Oh Where to Begin"

There is so much good Mitt stuff today. I am in heaven. There isn't much negative (much) today. A couple you should look at are this one from the editor of National Review Online. Good line about the "Mormon memo". I enjoyed the Fred Thompson dropping out news since now it helps others, hopefully helping Mitt. Many people are saying that it will help Mitt. Then of course I enjoy seeing anything bad about poor Mike Huck(ster)abee. I guess he, McCain and Rudy are out of cash. Here's an article about Huck specifically. Also there is a great story about Why all the other GOP candidates don't like Mitt. Good read, it will make you realize why I do like him so much.

I guess that's enough. I was able to enjoy these as I ate my lunch so I hope you can find the time too. Also don't forget tomorrow night is the last debate before Florida and Super Tuesday (I think) on MSNBC. I'm not sure what time... It's going to be about the Economy so guess what... Mitt will rule it.

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