Tuesday, February 16, 2010

All good (or not so good) things come to an end

As you may have heard JD Hayworth is retuning to politics. He has left his job KFYI to run for senate. Most people wouldn't have to leave their job that puts food on the table but he did because we live in a FAIR society. Anyway JD is running against John "Lettuce" McCain. I think this is a good thing. I was hoping that John would "go away" after he lost to BO but he didn't. I was hoping that Jeff Flake would run for Senate once lettuce returned to where ever the H he came from. But he didn't consult me...oh well. JD is a good 2nd to Jeff Flake. I like lettuce A war hero, yes, a good man, yes, a family guy yes, but in the world of politics none of this matters much. I think that what we need is someone that stands for principles and votes accordingly. I think it's interesting that JD is running because he has always been a conservative yet he lost his way with the rest of the republicans in the early 2000s... However I don't really think that we can fault him for that. The Post 9/11 political environment was different, it made us choose differently, it made us a little scared not to watch our own. Lettuce on the other hand didn't really do much more then: threaten to leave the GOP, embarrass the GOP vs. BO and lied about Mitt many times in his campaign for the GOP nomination in 2008... not to mention doing nothing for Arizona. I mean how many of you can tell me one good thing he's done for AZ in the last two terms (12 years). He ran for president twice, passed a well known liberal policy to govern elections that was recently declared unconstitutional by the US Supreme court and generally supported illegal emigration, stem-cell research and spoke out big time against water boarding (being a POW himself its no wonder) but then in the moment of truth voted for it.

Now I like JD as a guy, he's an entertaining talk show host. But is he a senator? I don't know. He is not my first choice. That would be Jeff Flake, however I think Congress is where Brother Flake wants to be. So we have to look at who there is to vote for. I don't believe in voting against someone but for someone, I also don't believe in not voting, so I do. When I look at Lettuce vs. Hayworth I am leaning RIGHT, to JD. Emigration, the Mitt Romney things and time for a change is why.

Peace! What do the Red, White and True bloggers have to say I wonder?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

While I think JD Hayworth might be a better person for the job than McCain (mostly due to his strong belief in interior enforcement of immigration laws and border security)I don't know how completely trustworth he is, either.

I remember a lot of controversy over his PAC after I graduated from High School, and never getting a good view on whether he was a completely honest person in his business practices or not.

I do like how outspoken he is, and how he puts his strong opinions out there on the line for everyone to know exactly what he thinks about things. At least he is conservative, and not a rediculously idiotic progressive like McCain.

Either way, they are politicians.