Friday, February 19, 2010

randomness is bestest

So today I was looking around my cube (padded cage i work in when I go to work), and saw that there was nothing on the walls at all. so I added a couple of things just "beautify" it a bit. It's not beautiful, but it is less dull. So I'm going to add a few pictures to my blog that I've captured via my phone as I have lived lately just because I want to make it a little better.

Mr. Whiting getting an earful from an upset fan at a basketball game at Queen Creek. It's blurry because of the distance but I thought I'd better take this in case Jeff needed evidence in the court case... That guy seemed upset.

Sky on the way to Cody Rothlisberger's house ("But I'm not tired Dad!")

Derek When I baby sit... no matter what time (I'm good!)

A girls soccer team ripped off our football team. I'm not sure how I feel about this (Hmmm....)

Here's how I feel about Stacy's School (yucky)

Here's a picture of the Mesa Temple. I don't know why I took this I just felt like it when I went there the other day :)

I had more but most are inappropriate! ha ha just kidding. I don't roll like that... If you're bored (and you must be because you are on my blog) go to my friend Anjie's blog. She's coolio!


Stacy said...

This is my favorite post so far, except I'm confused about not liking my school. I hope you meant you don't like ASU in general, not the fact that I go there.

Ben said...